Jumat, 07 Januari 2022

Designing a toy for hermith crab

I encourage Tabi to think what color, texture or shape or sticks arrangements that may be loved by the crab. By thinking that way, i believe that i stimulate her thought about how to design a successful product


How to teach jumping number on 5 years old ?

Block the passed number with the color that kids like. Give 2-5 examples how to fill the blank circle. then let the kids practice it.


How to teach Multiplication from a Leaf (Grade-4 elementary student)

A leaf has some 'bones'. 

If it has 8 bones and it has 15 'teeth' on the edge of leaf, how many teeth that the leaf has?

15 x 8 = 120


Dice game: who can find the picture first ? 子供のためのサイコロゲーム


Physics is AMAZING ! Lets learn how an angle can help our world ! Grade 4 elementary student. 子供のための角度についての実験

 How can an angle help your world ?

Here we will do experiment on HOW MANY BLOCKS THAT CAN BE SUPPORTED BY table arranged with different angles.

here Tabi varies the angle of the legs of this little table, then Tabi counts maximum number of blocks that can be supported by the table.

Here is the result:

We conclude that the angle of the table affects on maximum number of blocks that it supports.

Learn about Seashells and Shore (Grade 4 and Grade 1 elementary students) 貝殻に関する調査


Long time no see!

Now Tabi has a young sister. Her name is Ayun. From now, I will re-post our together activities :)

In December 2021 I visited Santolo beach and took some seashells. Ayun and Tabi learn and play about it !

First of all, we classify the seashells.

Ayun count the number of each seashells

Then we make a graph:

Tabi browse google to know habitate and food of the owner of seashells. The owner can be a seasnail,etc.

From information  we compile about the sea-snail, we can predict the condition of Santolo sea. We conclude that Santolo sea is not too deep and has many coral reef.